The pillars of Anacapa’s Academic Program, direct experience, community engagement, exploration, collaboration, reflection, analysis, and experimentation, are beneficial for all types of learners. Our academic class offerings are intended to foster deep subject-matter exploration, encourage student involvement and position students for college success. Anacapa’s teachers develop and implement an inspiring, relevant and engaging curriculum including honors level courses at every high school grade level. Our curriculum is designed to support academically engaged students at various levels of proficiency and we encourage students to maximize their intellectual and emotional potential.
Student-to-Faculty Ratio 5:1
Our student-to-faculty ratio is 5-to-1, the best of any secondary school in Santa Barbara County and best in class in the nation. The size of our student body is intentionally limited, allowing us to offer a personalized level of attention that each student at Anacapa enjoys. Modeled after leading university graduate programs, Anacapa students are able to discover and explore their academic passions in depth with guidance focused on each student's experience from deeply committed experts. With a curated number of students, we can build more opportunities for unique learning environments.
Faculty Advisor for Every Student
From their first week at Anacapa School, every student is partnered with a faculty advisor. The advisor relationship is not just for academic guidance. Our faculty members connect meaningfully with their advisees throughout the school year. They meet regularly and partner on coursework, passions, community involvement and college preparation. Students appreciate the added education they receive from their faculty advisors in areas such as goal setting, time-management skills, communication and strategy. Our faculty appreciate the opportunity to really know their students and our faculty meet weekly as a team to ensure that all students are staying on track and meeting their educational and personal goals.